Sunday, January 14, 2007

Alert! Alert! Media repeatedly breaking the News until it is dust!

Yes, it is the breaking story for many after the British left India. Most reporters have dreamt of this day, breaking this news live. Experts have wanted to say - I told you so for years.

Why the national alert? No, it is not the Prime Minister of India which is in trouble! India is not going to War! Just ignore the fact, earlier today a New Chief Justice was sworn in, a man who is supposed to head the judiciary of the world's largest Democracy. No it is not a threat of war - but hush hush - Abhishek Bachan and Aishwarya Rai got engaged today evening.

There is no other news which will now engulf the mainline North Indian Media for the next few months or so to be more specific. It is crazee to think how the media of a Billion people country - will be talking about this one incident for who knows how long?

National Matters, Diplomacy, North East war against ULFA, Pakistan, Naxalites, Economy will be carelessly tossed aside. The media in the Gulf will not spare the large number of expats either! For all we know there might be huge center-spreads with photographs. If the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana excited the world about 25 years ago, well that's history now - here comes the new prince and princess from India. Forget the fact they are not exactly up to the mark in their acting or otherwise. Both have interestingly large hate clubs - will be intresting to see the clash in the media.

Knowing the Indian media well, they will be having tv crews on standby to cover the numerous suicide attempts by die hard fans which will include guys and gals, the usual bomb threats and letters in blood and other lunatics who try to cash in.

I suggest it is a good time to pick up a good book and catch on your reading. It is wise to just cut off the media for a long time and stick to Al Jazeera, if you don't want to be swamped with articles, photos, endless editorials, feature stories, countless interviews with childhood friends and any Hari, Ram and Prasad.

O spare me the pain!

Newspapers are unable, seemingly, to discriminate between a bicycle accident and the collapse of civilisation. ~George Bernard Shaw, 1931

Then it seems most of the media are best described by the quote below!

Journalists are like dogs, when ever anything moves they begin to bark. ~Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher.

Incase you are as die hard fan of Abhishek Bachan and Aishwarya Rai, save your comments and send them a congratulations letter instead!


Anonymous said...

Ok I must say that by far...this entry of yours is simply AWSOME!!

I loved the "hari, Ram and Prasad" part of it!!! Gonna use it somewhere!! hehe

And yea lastly...both parties do NOT have equal hate clubs...Aishwarya yes (Me at the top!) but not ABHI....he is cho chweet!! (I just wish I could see the look on your face after reading this very line!!)

Good one!

And one more you have their address? congratulate them ofcourse! ;-) cheers!

Free Mind said...

If you are really keen to wish them - here is the link! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

In a country where and actors and the true gods, what else can be expected..."Ash" and "Abhi" getting married?? is as though the heavens themselves have opened up to deliver the divine news. so naturally the media madness is understandable. Politicians, terrorists and little boys in underground holes must be sulking in silence as the big fat Indian wedding comes to town.