Monday, January 15, 2007

Execution Fiasco!

You would think the execution of Saddam Hussein was enough to attract international attention for a long time. Think Again! The Iraqi authorities have out done themselves this time while hanging Saddam’s half-brother and former intelligence chief, Barzan Ibrahim Al Tikriti, and the former head of Iraq’s Revolutionary Court, Awad Ahmed Al Bandar, early today morning.

There were two videos of Saddam, one at the time of hanging and the other showing a close up of his broken neck in the mortuary. This time however, there were no secret cameras or hooded militia shouting sectarian slogans, but just a decapitation.

Saddam's half-brother Barzan Ibrahim Al Tikriti's head was ripped from his body during the execution allegedly because of a tight noose. The sight must have been more than what they bargained for. The Iraqi government, already trying to suppress the sectarian emotions overflowing after Saddam's hanging must be wondering what did they do to get into an even bigger mess.

Late today afternoon or evening, the Iraqi Government reportedly screened the official video of the execution to selected reporters to prove there was nothing to hide at the time of execution. None of the news reports on the net at the time of writing this entry, mention who were these reporters.

What ever the case, the ability of the Iraqi government to repeatedly botch up such high profile executions, does not help to stabilise Iraq. This will only strengthen conspiracy theories of mob lynchings and revenge between the warring Sunni and Shia factions and fuel more senseless sectarian violence.

There are already mixed international reactions on the hangings being reported by the press. This is also a direct challenge and cold shoulder to a direct appeal not to carry out the death verdict by the new United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki Moon. By alienating and ignoring the United Nations, Iraq might have thrown away the only lifeline it had left for a possible partner to help put an end to the violence. This is highly critical, considering the fact the so called allies are now thinking of strategies of withdrawing and leaving the Iraqis to their fate.

"There is no way to peace; peace is the way." ~ Mahatma Gandhi


Rejected said...

Great article!

Personally, as a local Iraqi living under this injustice brought by this current government which is amazingly is similar (or even worse) than what we have experienced under Saddam's time, I along with everyone I know in my life know what is going on but I do hope it is enough proof to the world of how bad of a government we have. Sectarian government who is backing up militias in secret and who is not Iraqi and who is killing Iraqis for the sake of another country. A country that wants to control not only Iraq but taking Iraq as an open gate to the whole Arab world. And who is taking all the pain coming from that? US, the Iraqi people. We are prisoners of our own houses because this government want to kill anything who is not a follower of their own path. Us who all the countries of the world have united against and are refusing us at their boarders.

Anonymous said...

"Late today afternoon or evening, the Iraqi Government reportedly screened the official video of the execution to selected reporters to prove there was nothing to hide at the time of execution."
Nothing to hide? Saddam's execution must be unique in the fact that during this execution, the executioners hid their faces behind black cloth while the condemned man died with his face uncovered and his identity clear.
They had nothing to hide?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments "rejected"! Waiting to read more on your blog too!