Monday, January 29, 2007

"....the fog is rising."

Dubai Trade Center
Freemind Pictures ©

Tree's a crowd?
Freemind Pictures ©

Where do foggy roads lead us?
Freemind Pictures ©

Date Palm Avenue
Freemind Pictures ©

Freemind Pictures ©

“There is nothing more poetic and terrible than the skyscrapers' battle with the heavens that cover them. Snow, rain, and mist highlight, drench, or conceal the vast towers, but those towers, hostile to mystery and blind to any sort of play, shear off the rain's tresses and shine their three thousand swords through the soft swan of the fog.”
~Federico Garcia Lorca (Spanish Poet & Playwright)


Anonymous said...

Where do foggy roads lead us?
answer: frm a personal xperience!
close calls to accidents.. xperience of gettin pretty close to hit da rear of a car. well fog was pretty muj like da pciture but da road waz academic city weer a person wud not really consider many n companion 'a.s' - ethnic day. didnt realise until came about 10-20 meters close to da car. not a very threatenin kinda call but causin a boom in heartbeat fer a sec fer sure...

Anonymous said...

I think more than anything else, its the mood that you capture in your pictures that is so mesmerising to look at. I could pass by those trees and those buildings everyday and not look at them twice but when I see them in your pictures they seem to transport me to a different time and place altogether.
P.S.- M.B.!!! I so clearly remember that trip to academic city! the fog was practically invading the car!