Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Päivää (Hullo)

What do Santa Claus, reindeer, saunas, suicides, ammonium chloride, vowels with lots of cute dots on them, Nokia cell phones, and gold-medalist ski jumpers have in common? They are all from the country of Finland!

Yes, A big Päivää (Hullo) to the visitors from Finland to this blog. The sudden surge in visitors from Finland, have made them the largest number of visitors in a single day, from any country after the home country UAE.

Hauska tavata. (I am very glad to meet you.) Finnish Survival Phrases

Well for all the other non-Finnish readers! Here is a little extract about the media in Finland!

Finland is one of the most advanced information societies in the world. There are 200 newspapers; 320 popular magazines, 2,100 professional magazines and 67 commercial radio stations, of which one nation-wide channel; three national public service radio channels in Finnish, and two in Swedish; a radio network in the Sami language, three digital radio channels; four national television channels, of which two public service and two commercial channels; five digital public service television channels and three commercial; 12 feature films each year; 12,000 book titles annually and 12 million records sold each year. All that is available for a population of 5.2 million in a land of 67% Internet penetration.
~The Finnish Media: outlets increase, audiences diversify. Virtual Finland.

Not to forget, Linus Benedict Torvalds, the Finnish software engineer best known for creating Linux.

On a closing note, would any of the Finnish visitors care to leave a note, what's all the interest about in this blog?

Kiitos (Thank you)


“No great man is ever born too soon or too late.”
~George Norman Douglas (Finnish Composer, 1865-1957)

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