Friday, February 16, 2007

Dubai Summer Scorcher on the way!

Freemind Pictures ©

“Winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat” ~ Unknown

As summer makes it presence felt stronger day by day, 7 days reported that the summer would compensate for the unusual cold winter and long rainy spells with a double dosage of summer heat. It was reported that:

"....this summer’s going to be roasting. Ok, tell us something we don’t know. But while we’re all aware that summers here are extremely hot, according to a UAE forecaster, this one coming will see temperatures up to four degrees hotter than last year. With a maximum temperature of 49.7 degrees recorded in the country last summer that could mean a potentially sweltering 53.7 degrees."

The article also elaborated: "A recent UN report blamed human activity for global warming and climate change and predicted a rise in natural disasters. Last night the Dubai Met Office were unable to comment on the weather for this summer saying they are only able to sensibly make five-day predictions."

Time to stock up on some Vimto and Tang to experiment making some refreshing summer thirst quenchers. Stock up on your sun tans too!

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