Friday, April 14, 2006

Ambedkar Jayanti!

Buddham Sharanam Gachami,

Sangham Sharanam Gachami

Dhamam Sharanam Gachami,

'I take refuge in the Buddha, my power of discrimination.'

'I take refuge in the community, I take refuge in the society.'

'I take refuge in Dharma, I take shelter in truth and righteousness'.

A tribute to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Father of the Indian constitution. Born on April 14, 1891. A widely misunderstood leader and a champion of rights for the Untouchables in India. His conversion to Buddhism in Nagpur with half a million people is known as one of the largest self motivated conversions of modern history. He helped spark a revival of Buddhism in India, a movement which is now known as neo-Buddhism. Today however his name, image and the causes he has stood for have been hijacked by many to meet their ends.

His birth date is now a public holiday in India known as Ambedkar Jayanti. As a sign of respect, many Indians use the title "Babasaheb" in front of his name. "Jai Bhim!", referring to Ambedkar's first name, Bhimrao, is sometimes used as a greeting or an exclamation.

However his name still evokes strong responses in the million villages of India and his statues doting India outnumber the statues of any other leader or deity in human history. (This has to be verified – But believable if one travels through India counting them).

Today hundreds of thousands of people will march into Nagpur to pay respects at Deekshabhoomi the exact spot where Dr. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism. The Deekshabhoomi has a dome rising to 120 ft, granites, marbles and dholpur sandstone complete the structure built over a 4000 sq feet hall below the dome. It is an important pilgrimage centre with Buddhists pilgrims as far as Japan and Thailand are found around the year.

“Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self.”

- B. R. Ambedkar

Jai Bhim!

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