This has to be one marketing trick the Church didn't see coming. How else can you explain the hype which actually has boosted sales of the book and has the film makers laughing all the way to the bank with their coffers over flowing.
We had on one side the "anti da vinci code" brigade and on the other the "lets not make a fuss" brigade. But of all the letters and articles shot from from both sides calling for the movie to be shown or banned. A few words from one of them sums up the all the whole controversy.
"First of all, it is fiction. Secondly, why should people always be afraid of new ideas? If one has so much faith in their own religion, why fear when there are some sort of new questions raised. After all if religion is all about finding the truth, then why should truth be afraid of questions?" - Central Chronicle

Instead of calling for a ban - let the Church demystify the Code by disproving it. After all if people can't understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction and take it for literal truth - then God save them who read and believe Puss in Boots is also real.
hey good one. wot d central chronicle said makes a valid point. but y'know wot even d hindus act d same way. remember d controversy over 'water'. ok maybe it was not religion as such but it was on ritual n tradition.
i guess there are two types of people - one who understand that d whole scene n try to make it an issue for their vested interest n d others who blindly follow them n believe dat wotever lie d former one concocts is true.
absolutely true!!what do people like the ones who are creating all the racket expect?...stop writing books???....
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