Monday, May 15, 2006

Hats off to Youths for Equality !

This is an entry expressing solidarity with the students who facing the high hand of police for standing for their rights. Some old men don't know when to quit or what is in the best interest of the nation. Reservations have not worked for 50 years nor will it will for another fifty years. The use of reserved seats has been blatantly misused by members of their own OBC, SC/ST communities who are much better off.

Beating up students by using the police and then deny it on record to the media is blatant hypocrisy. The champion of quotas the Communists have joined other parties like the BJP, NCP and others to condemn the completely uncalled for violent reprisals against peaceful marches by medical students.

‘‘Sensitivity in policing is important, especially when the people involved are not ordinary protesters, but our best students.’’ - Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi

The Maharashtra government has wasted no time in ordering an inquiry into beating of medical students in Mumbai. It is time for other state governments to follow.

The solution here is not more reservations but more seats and institutions. Why compromise on the quality of specialized fields like Medicine by keeping meritorious students out to enable other students to fill in seats on the basis of their caste.

One notable group spear heading the youths to action is a group called - Youth For Equality. Their catch line - NON-VIOLENT - NON-POLITICAL – UNITED.

For more information or to support them log into

Or their Mumbai chapter

The Government, however, better wise up and take heed about the growing intensity of the agitation, rather than political rivals who would be loath to annoy the powerful OBCs.

The anti-quota protests are picking up, after the Mumbai mayhem. This has added only more fuel to the fire as on Sunday as medicos took to the streets in Vadodara, Amritsar, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Mangalore, Orissa and Pune and clashed with police.

Now with not only medical students striking, doctors in both government and private hospitals have decided to join in the protests.

The Fight is not over.......... Save the Country - Express with our Reservations !

Links : Mangalore Protest Pics

Youth For Equality

Youth for Equality - Mumbai Chapter

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