Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Marriage - Till Death Do Us Part ! Boom!

Sucide bombers are associated with terrorists - but what do you do when a man blows himself up at his ex-wife's wedding? Maybe the guy took a leaf out of the LTTE manual to teach his wife a lesson or he took his vows a little too seriously - till death do us part.

Xinhua the Chinese news agency reported how a suicide bomber with explosives strapped to his body triggered a blast at his ex-wife's wedding in northeast China, killing at least eight other people and injuring five.

Xinhua did not say if Lu's ex-wife or new husband were among the victims. Eight people, including Lu, were killed at the scene, Xinhua said. Another six were injured and one later died at the hospital, it said. Lu and Li Jinling got divorced in 2005 after five years of marriage.

Imagine weddings becoming more like a airport check in. "Please drop all your jewellery and any metallic item into the box and pass under the scanner."

Guess the world after 9/11 is influenced to do crazy acts such as this. The suicide act will give a new meaning to the term gate crashers and a twist gate bombers.

A few months ago the suicide attack on a marriage party in Jordan was due to terorrist motives. But the motive in China was pure resentment towards his ex-wife.

Soon enough after a few more incidents, we will have special police forces under a newly formed Marriage Terrorism Unit to deal with similiar situations which made this wedding "One big Blast"?


Anonymous said...

Marriage Terrorism Unit....sounds interesting!! hahah...what an article!! Wonder if the wife is still alive..if yes..i don't think her current fiancee would want to tie the knot after all this. ;)

Anonymous said...

What a strange man!!! you dont want your ex-wife to get married so you blow yourself up at her wedding?!!! Hmmmm....I'm sure in his crazy deluded world this must have made sense but I just dont see it...