Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cola - The Right Choice Baby!

This is from a mail forward that I recieved. If you have seen it please skip the post. Have fun seeing the real cola. I am sure the same must be happening with other companies, other than Pepsi. ANd yes, for once, this is not Indians doing it - Lol. Looks like Arabs.

Picking the right colours and flavour for the drink.

Men at work - washing the bottles.

Scrubbing them clean on the insides with wire brushes.

Stacking up the bottles in the trays to dry off.

Filling in the so called Cola into the bottles.

Filling and stacking - Time is money.

Adding the Fizz to the Cola from gas tanks.

Choosing the right caps.

Sealing the Bottles!

Quality Check - Looks like the Real Thing!


Anonymous said...

Yuck! I am an anti- Cola person. The pics have only added more to my hatred for it.

Anonymous said...

Aaahhh...I can taste the delicious mud-like flavour already. I'll sleep so much better at night now that I know that my cola has been through such a rigorous and intense process of hygenic production...