Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hoodwinking the public or Beating around the Bush?

Khaleej Times (KT) must have had irate readers banging their office doors and ringing their phones off the hook. Their gaffe probably had thousands of their readers - facing a 150 dirhams parking fine!

In today's KT, there is an equally confused article "Confusion over parking fines issued on holiday." Why blame the readers? It seems to be a clear oversight and confusion on the part of the reporter or the sub-editor who reported the other day "No Parking Fee" (KT has taken off the article from their website).

Then KT reported, "DUBAI/SHARJAH — The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has assured it will “look into the matter” following complaints from a number of residents who resented being fined yesterday for parking in designated public parking lots in the emirate — despite it being a declared holiday for the private sector on the occasion of the Islamic New Year.

“All such complaints following the confusion caused in Dubai yesterday are being sorted out and will be looked into,” the RTA official told Khaleej Times."

Then they also added, "The inadvertent error in Khaleej Times following Thursday’s confusion over conflicting parking fee exemptions in different emirates is regretted. However, the RTA’s assurance that it will look into the matter has been widely appreciated by all concerned."

Thank you KT for for admitting an error! Why then beat around the bush even more? The RTA seems to be saying something else to the other papers!

Gulf News reported "Sultan Al Kutbi, the RTA's Acting Director for Road Fees and Parking, said there were no plans to let motorists off paying the fines. "We announced in the newspapers that it would be only Sunday. In Sharjah it is Saturday and Sunday, but for us it's only Sunday."

So who is telling the truth? Will it matter now? The only truth is a 150 Dirhams parking ticket which has to be paid!

“We are so cleverly manipulated and influenced by the media and establishments on both the right and left, that the truth has become hopelessly lost in semantics.”
~Jules Carlysle (Canadian Author and Humorist)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe! Jules Carlysle sums your entry pretty well!!

Man! where do you find such awsome quotes that perfectly go with the topic of your entry?!!

Good one!