Monday, March 19, 2007

The Bob Woolmer Conspiracy!

The unfortunate death of Bob Woolmer, the Pakistan Cricket Coach less than 24 hours after their humiliating defeat to minnows Ireland in the Cricket World Cup has shocked the cricketing world. Theories floated by the media include drug overdose, stress induced heart attack, suicide and who knows according to the word on the streets, it could have even been a possible assassination!

If poor Bob was coach of any other team, his untimely end would have been condoned as unfortunate and the passing on of a respected coach. However, being the Pakistani coach, surely the media might be looking for a connection between a "organized hit" either by the bookies who lost millions in that match or who knows maybe even by the General himself in order to draw away attention from the deteriorating home situation.

A media conjured conspiracy that can only rival the JFK assassination, who or what killed Bob Woolmer? Let the man rest in peace and wait for the official word from the Jamaican authorities on the cause of death. It is an open plea to the Mainstream Media not to bore its audiences with irrelevant theories and interviews. Then again, maybe, just maybe there could be an angle which was overlooked and in reality it could have been the Irish Mafia - who may have lost millions betting against their own team.

Bob Woolmer will be forever immortalized throughout Pakistan and by millions of cricketing fans by the very circumstances of his passing.

With all respect to Woolmer, Rest in Peace Bob!

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Obituary: Woolmer, the 'Computer Coach'

Woolmer may have died due to drug overdose
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