When the whole of Lebanon is on the verge of civil war, is it the time to highlight the winner of Lebanese Idol? Would any one really be interested in reading who is the Lebanese Idol when the whole country is under going a crisis. Perhaps an example of another insensitive sub-editor carelessly pasting an agency story onto the City Time supplement front page.
The City Times in the picture is dated 8th May, 2008 and the other papers placed around are from the the same day or after to highlight the seriousness of the crises in Lebanon.
Time for the Khaleej Times Editorial Board to meet more often to ensure stories on their supplements and main pages don't clash.
The City Times in the picture is dated 8th May, 2008 and the other papers placed around are from the the same day or after to highlight the seriousness of the crises in Lebanon.
Time for the Khaleej Times Editorial Board to meet more often to ensure stories on their supplements and main pages don't clash.
1 comment:
Good point about George W. Bush and good point about the paper's editors running a story on the Lebanese Idol as its front page headline. How ridiculously derelict people can be in their responsibilities!!!!
PS - I am reading all kinds of blogs from Dubai looking to see if I really want to be an ex-pat and try my hand working there...
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