Monday, January 08, 2007

Of Dreams and Sleep on a Bus!

Freemind Pictures ©

It is not an Ad on the side of the public bus. Rather, just another passenger among the thousands who use the time stuck in the endless traffic on SZR (Shaikh Zayed Road) to catchup on a quick nap.

Definitely his dreams are concepts way out of the bus! Emile M. Ciorana, Romanian philosopher and essayist expressed it eloquently in his quote, “Anyone can escape into sleep, we are all geniuses when we dream, the butcher's the poet's equal there.”

Sleep is perverse as human nature,
Sleep is perverse as legislature....
So people who go to bed to sleep
Must count French premiers or sheep,
And people who ought to arise from bed
Yawn and go back to sleep instead.
~Ogden Nash, Read This Vibrant Exposé, American poet

Then again, think about it:

“You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep”
~ Unknown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh sleepin fer me is like one of da most peaceful things ever..dats da only time wen my mind does not indulge into 'on purpose' fantasies...but den yea diz thing seems true coz der have been so many times wen i end up getting dese kewl ideas n even some of my poems cum to my head like before i fall asleep...more outta randomness n widout efforts..hmm!