Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The price of Littering!

Pic from tynerblain.com

When one dares to litter while driving in the UAE, they do so with the knowledge of being fined heavily by the concerned Municipality. However, what happens when youths in the excitement of finishing their exams start throwing paper out of the school bus? Some students in Sharjah had to learn the hard way, the price of littering.

They not only littered the streets, but started throwing paper on passing cars. Fate was not to let them get away with it!

Gulf News reports:

A junior officer in the armed forces stopped a bus of sixth to 12th grade boys on a busy junction, ordered the bus driver to return to the school and told the pupils to walk home for littering the streets with paper.

According to one of the pupils, the man was angry at the pupils for throwing paper out of the windows following their exam. "He scolded us and told us what we did was wrong, and said we should walk home."

Ebrahim Mohammad Hamad, the principal of the school, said the bus was stopped a few minutes from the school at the Gold Souq junction in Sharjah before any of the pupils could be dropped home.

When asked about the incident by Gulf News, the officer who stopped the bus said his actions were "within his rights".

"Those pupils misbehaved by throwing paper at
my car so I asked them to walk home. I will solve this issue myself with the school," he said.

That's surely one walk the students will never forget in this lifetime!

Moral of the story: Never throw trash out of your car window and God help you if it falls on the wrong car!

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