Sunday, July 30, 2006

Gender Issues for a Mascot!

In today’s 7days there is a letter to the editor from a parent asking for clarification on the gender status of Modesh. For those who don’t know Modesh, it is the Dubai Summer Surprise mascot (see picture). The parent says he does not know how to answer his child who repeatedly keeps asking. He also does not think his child would understand androgynous (Having both female and male characteristics; Being neither distinguishably masculine nor feminine).

However, the Modesh website states Modesh was conceived and created in the UAE as a ‘jack-in-the-box’ in the year 2000. Now that does not help in identifying the gender does it?

The point being this question was asked by a western kid because Asian kids believe what ever their parents say. In all possibilities Asian kids call it Modesh Uncle. As long as it is not wearing a skirt or an abaya then it must be an uncle in a yellow suit. Lol

One more thing, doesn’t Modesh looks like Otto the Alien which is the mascot for Young Times, the magazine brought out by Khaleej Times. Take a look at the pictures and you decide.

Next Episode: Asian Uncles


Anonymous said...

Are they twins??? Lol!
Cheers, anyway!

Anonymous said...

Somebody gives a kid a cute cuddly yellow sun-like toy and what she/he wants to know is whether its a boy or a girl??!! Just play with the toy is what I would gently suggest...Why dont the parents go check under Modesh uncle's yellow suit if they simply must know?