Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Here comes the Postman!

In this modern era of mobiles, instant messaging and sms, the postman is finally coming to Dubai to deliver letters at home.

Usually the arrival of a postman is eagerly awaited by people as it always meant a message from a friend or loved one. He was almost treated like a Santa Claus bringing surprises with happy messages and telegrams. A sight so ingrained in my head over years of watching movies where we had the main chracters waiting for mail. I grew up seeing postmen in cartoons and comic strips, including the famous Postman Pat. The image of a postman being chased by a dog on tv , always brings a smile to my face.

But coming back to reality, the only thing I am sure he is going to bring me is a bunch of bills on time. He won't be a very welcome sight - would he? I think it is time I kept a dog!

There are a lot of hurdles the postmen have to face. In this fast paced city - people change flats faster than they get to office in the morning rush hour traffic. So much for a postman trying to find them out.

Another hurdle is, how do you deliever mail to all the people who stay on the roof tops and parks? 7 days, a free daily newspaper reported how there are hundreds of people staying and sleeping on roof tops in this city due to spiralling rents. Not to forget the parking lots, cars, store rooms, telephone rooms, gardens, bus stops, alleys, round abouts and about anywhere else where people call "home".

And as always our favourite newspaper never fails to impress with their layout and editorial decesions. It must be a new black genre - ironic news layouts. (see above picture)

No need to send me letters just comments will be welcome.


Anonymous said...

Looks I finally have to take down the "Beware of the Dog" sign from the bathroom door where it's been for the past 5 years and put it in its rightful place on my front door

I doubt Abu Dhabi will ever get a
postman, but let's be positive, shall we?
Wonder what I'll get in my mailbox....

Anonymous said...

I fail to comprehend the need for a postman in Dubai in a time when every single government and private body is going on the web. But yeah, on second thoughts, the postman bit is yet another excuse for us to fish out money and pay for our respective postboxes, so that the postal authority can boom and Dubai economy go high.........vrrrrooooooom!!!!