Thursday, September 07, 2006

English Speaking Construction Workers?

Gulf News reported today that unskilled workers in Dubai will have to speak English to continue working in the UAE.

Unskilled labourers wishing to work in the UAE are required to have basic English language skills and knowledge of the country's rules.

Dr Ali Bin Abdullah Al Ka'abi, Minister of Labour of UAE is quoted as saying in the Gulf News:

Workers who cannot prove that they have English language skills cannot work in the UAE. This new rule will not be applicable to workers from the Arab region, and will mainly apply to the Asian workforce.

Expect to see English speaking construction workers and sweepers. What a great skill to have! I am sure if they knew how to speak English they would be answering calls in some call center in India than work in construction sites and in other unskilled jobs.

I am sure people will be happy knowing that their sweeper or the peon in their building has probably passed his Tofel and maybe his SAT or GRE exams too.

Ah well, expect to see "Learn English Overnight" Institutes popping up all over the place. They are sure going to cash in, by issuing certificates of English Proficiency.

What next? French? Or even Chinese to read the manuals which come along with all the parts being fixed into these buidlings! Making Arabic compulsory would have made more sense, since it is the national language.

Unskilled workers leave construction site at Dubai airport. (AP photo)

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