Saturday, September 09, 2006

One Million Traffic Violations!

Yes, it is true! Dubai will have one more mention in the record books .

7 days reported - The number of traffic violations in Dubai is nearing the dubious milestone of one million, after a sharp increase this year. In the last eight months, Dubai police have recorded 908,000 violations (157 violations per hour).

Now with all the traffic jams in Dubai, and not a single inch to move, where are they getting the space to commit a traffic offence? Then again a drive on SZR is like being part of a Grand Prix or right in the middle of a cavalry charge.

Thought to ponder - Dubai's population is 1.241 million as on June 2006. Which means every man and woman driver has a traffic violation suppossing there are 241 thousand people who do not drive. Or more likely, there are a set of drivers who repeatedly break traffic laws and need to be booked to prevent these horrendous driving statistics.

The Dubai Police has introduced even more stringent laws to deal with these violations a few days back. These laws are:

First offence: Vehicle to be confiscated for one week and motorist fined Dh500

Second offence: Vehicle confiscated for two weeks and motorist fined Dh500

Third offence: Vehicle confiscated for three weeks and motorist fined Dh500

Fourth offence: Other penalties specified by Dubai Police's General Headquarters and matter will be referred to court in case there was an accident caused by the offence.

Only time will tell if the traffic violations will stop at the "one million mark" or if the roads of Dubai will become more safer.

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