Monday, October 01, 2007

Dangerous Laser Games

Emirates Today front page, 1 Oct 2007

UAE newspapers reported today that an Emirati youth was briefly detained by the Abu Dhabi police after he flashed a police helicopter with a laser beam.

According to Emirates Today, the youth pointed the hand-held laser used for presentations at a police helicopter triggering a major alert. "The pilot took evasive action" and then alerted his colleagues on the ground.

"Immediately, a number of police and CID personnel reached the area pinpointed by the helicopter crew and took the suspect into custody, according to Major Juma Salem Al Ka’abi, Director of the Criminal Investigation Department." ~ Khaleej Times

"The youth said he had bought the laser pen-torch from an Asian vendor without realising the danger of using it. He also told the police that he and his brothers had been flashing the laser beam at helicopters quite often. The youth, it is believed, was let off after he signed an undertaking to refrain from such acts." ~ Khaleej Times

These lasers are being sold in the UAE for purely presentation purposes and it is ridiculous to note that Khaleej Times even mentioned the vendor was "asian" which has no relevance to the story unlike Emirates Today who chose to remain more focussed on the story and its implication. It would be weird, if vendors were to be blamed for the reckless acts committed by customers for an item which costs about a dirham or two.

It was also reported by Emirates Today that pointing lasers at airborne aircraft or helicopters can be dangerous as it can distract the pilot or make him believe the aircraft was being targeted with some kind of sophisticated weapon.
"Major Al Ka’abi has urged the public not to play around with laser pen-torches, and stressed that flashing laser beams at people and private property is a punishable offence." ~ Khaleej Times

Thus the moral of the story don't point lasers at flying objects, people or private property, after all according to the age old wisdom passed on by parents states clearly that it is rude to point at people.

Related Articles:
Youth held for aiming laser beam at copter ~ Khaleej Times, 1 Oct 2007
Laser prank grounds copter ~ Emirates Today, 1 Oct 2007

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